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ACCC – Compliance and Enforcement Priorities for 2021 


…that small businesses receive the protections of the competition and fair trading laws, including franchising. You can read more about the compliance and enforcement priorities here.

If members have any concerns or queries, please contact the Member Services Team…

Submission to Urban Forest Bill Inquiry


…a public discussion about the proposed Bill’s management of the ACT’s urban forest.’

The Terms of Reference for the inquiry are available on the Committee webpage.

A copy of the MBA’s submission can be viewed here.

Q&A with Industrial Relations & Legal Adviser Malvin Khaira


…entitled to Fares and Travel pattern allowance if the employer provides a fully maintained vehicle free of charge to the employee.


Several Industry, Disability and other allowances will be removed. The Industry Allowance to compensate for disabilities…

Unfair Contract Terms


The new unfair contract terms laws come into effect on 9 November 2023.

The new laws –

Introduce civil penalties for organisations that include or who rely upon unfair contract terms in their standard form contracts with consumers…

Claim extensions of time under building contracts


…notice must identify the extended Construction Period and the extended Date for Practical Completion.

If you need any advice in relation to contracts, please reach out to our Workplace Relations and Legal Team on (02) 6175 5900.

Member Takeaway


There has been significant movement from Government and unions to ensure a safe workplace for employees, especially as it relates to silica and silica containing material. The deadline of 1 October 2023 for employees to undertake silica training has

International Women’s Day at the MBA


…years and previously chaired its suppliers and subcontractor’s council. She is the Managing Director of Pacific Formwork Pty Ltd, a specialist provider of formwork solutions to the building and construction industry and a director of Canberra based precast panel manufacturer…

A Message from the Secure Local Jobs Code Registrar


…will hear from our compliance team and possibly even see us out and about on sites. Our compliance officers will be undertaking outreach and compliance checks to work with industry to ensure we collectively support safe and secure jobs across…

Urban Forest Bill 2022 Update


and clear statements that offences will not apply where a person could not comply with the law due to a reasonable excuse. This will uphold cultural rights and offer fair and reasonable treatment to all.

The MBA remains concerned

Changes to Pre-DA Community Consultation Requirements


…exemptions for pre-DA consultation in the Planning and Development Regulation 2008 Updated Pre-DA Community Consultation Guidelines A new approved form for community consultation to be lodged with a DA Improved compliance during the DA completeness check process.

While the

Enterprise Bargaining Changes Coming 6 June 2023


The Fair Work Commission’s latest statement has provided some guidance on upcoming changes to enterprise bargaining following implementation of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act.

There are a number of significant changes to the enterprise bargaining and enterprise

Contracting with a Company within a Group Structure


When contracting with an entity within a group structure of several companies, it is important to understand that each company within the group is a separate legal entity and not responsible for the actions (including accrual of debts) of

ACT WorkSafe – Boland Report Released


ACT WorkSafe response to the Boland Review released yesterday, 16 March 2023.

In March 2022, ACT WHS Commissioner, Jacqueline Agius, engaged Marie Boland to undertake a review of the current legislative, policy and operational framework used in the



…work activity and a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) must be developed, in consultation with affected workers and other duty holders, and communicated prior to commencing the high-risk activity.

For further information on WHS Legislation and obligations, register for

Supply Shortages: Supplier Q & A


…kind of supply shortages is the industry facing? Specifically, what types of materials?

S. Primarily pine framing, and LVL.

AB. Master Builders Australia’s recent national survey showed that the materials in the shortest supply are timber, timber engineered…

Safety Update


…any conducting medium (for example via mobile plant or insufficiently insulated or covered tools or equipment), coming within the relevant safe approach distances. The safe approach distances are set out in the attached document. People working in the vicinity of…

Are you ready for NCC 2022?


…housing requirements and new energy efficiency and condensation mitigation requirements will commence on 1 October 2023.

The ACT and Queensland are the only jurisdictions pushing ahead with the 1 October commencement date. MBA ACT is continuing to advocacy for

2016 Building Code – What are your Obligations?


and non-residents Above entitlement payments Dispute settlement Fitness for work (alcohol or drugs)

For further information about the 2016 Building Code and your obligations as a CCE, click here to view the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) website.

Changes to Unit Titling Process


…lodge a Unit Title application without the following ‘required material’:

(a) the most recent certificate of occupancy and use— (i) for each unit in the parcel; and (ii) for any structure within the boundaries of the common property; (b) if…

Managing Employees Nearing Retirement Age


…(the Act), a forced retirement would constitute unfair dismissal if an employee were dismissed, and their age is the predominant reason for the dismissal. A forced retirement may also constitute discrimination, which is prohibited under the general protections provision of…

Workplace Bullying and Harassment


…supporting employees who make complaints. You should be receptive and thorough when receiving and responding to workplace bully and harassment complaints. You should try to resolve the complaints internally either through informal or formal process (as per the company policies…

Message from WorkSafe ACT


…the online form.

If you do not dispose of ACM and contaminated debris properly, you will be prosecuted. If you want to report an incident, you can use the online form available on the WorkSafe ACT website.

Member Workshops


Master Builders Member Workshops are information sessions on topics that are important to our industry. These workshops are free of charge and included as part of your MBA ACT membership.

CEO Update: Managing the Effects of COVID-19


…devastating impact on demand for new residential building activity. We will be increasing our public communication to ensure that the home and property owners are confident that domestic building activity can occur in compliance with government rules around slowing the…

Media Release – Canberra Deserves Best Practice Building Reforms


…an ACT Building Commission to coordinate, guide and prioritise ACT building reforms and enforcement,” he said.

Mr Hopkins said, “After more than a decade of campaigning for better building quality by the MBA, it is disappointing that regulators have…

Claiming EOTs for the Christmas Shutdown Period


The ACT Home Building Contract, at clause 13, provides the list of delays that a builder may claim an extension of time for, as well as the process for notifying the client of the extension of time being claimed

Pre-DA Community Consultation Guidelines


and summary of changes are available on the review webpage: The changes to the Guidelines and the Planning and Development Regulation 2008 are expected to be implemented by mid-2020, with a delayed commencement of 1 January 2021 to allow…



…decisions around health and safety.

Some of these apps and websites include;




Q: What health effects is the bushfire…

Thinking of renewing your Enterprise Agreement?


freedom of association when it comes to agreement making.

It has been known that the building and construction industry unions are renowned for applying undue pressure upon businesses and in some cases, workers. Whilst workers should be paid in…



…cause fatigue in the workplace include:

consulting workers–managers, supervisors and health and safety representatives–about the impact of workloads and work schedules, including work-related travel and work outside normal hours examining work practices, systems of work and worker records, for example…

Technical Q&A


…AS 4654, Part 2 2012- ‘’Design and Installation” This standard sets out the requirements for the design and installation of above-ground external waterproofing membranes for use in buildings and structures (for example roofs and balconies).

The National Construction Code

The Unit Titles Legislation Amendment Act 2020


…with Susan and if you are interested you can access the first three episodes of the podcast at the below links:

Strata with Susan is also available to listen to directly on most popular podcast apps.

Securing Your Site Over the Christmas Period


…the stage of the works, can be a dangerous place. As the builder, you are deemed to be the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) and the person responsible for ensuring that the site is as safe and secure…

Update to Prohibition on the use of Engineered Stone


…taken a strong public stance in addressing exposure to silica dust and we expect this will guide considerations for a transition period.

Members are encouraged to explore alternative products under eligible contracts as soon as possible and to approach…

Are you looking after yourself?


The Christmas break is fast approaching with, trips to the coast and family and social gatherings or outings. It has been a long year with several challenges, and we would like to remind members to unwind, relax and rejuvenate

Interested in redeploying your carpentry skills into a new career?


…continuing to provide this service and expand our team of industry trainers, MBA Group Training is seeking Expressions of Interest from anyone who is qualified in Carpentry and considering a career shift or wishes to complement their work schedule with…

Are you looking after yourself?


It’s a new year and, coming back from the Christmas break, there are new challenges that members will be facing.

In order to ensure a successful and productive year, it is as important as ever to ensure that

Q&A with Industrial Relations & Legal Adviser Malvin Khaira


Secondly, Bargaining is essentially negotiation of workplace rights and obligations between the employer and employee. It is not a process to validate broad scale Union objectives. Often, workers have realistic expectations and can understand an employer’s final position or

Gas Transition Update


…consumers, improved air quality, and safer homes. Key concerns about the regulation related to things like capacity and supply for the electricity network, impact on existing gas connections, and affordability and equity in the community. There were mixed views on…

Workplace Sexual Harassment Prohibited from 6 March 2023


comment on the matter.

If the dispute cannot be resolved this way, the Commission can deal with the matter by arbitration if both parties agree. In these circumstances the Commission now has the power to make an order:


NCC CPD Update – July 2021


An important part of the National Construction Code (NCC) is knowing who is responsible for what. NCC CPD courses help to clarify the roles and responsibilities of different practitioners. Courses for compliance and design practitioners are online and available

Federal Budget, Inflation, Workforce & IR Omnibus Bill


For timber and steel, there are signs that cost pressures have become a bit less acute. However, pressures appear to be mounting for some materials like ready mixed concrete, sand and some plumbing products.

Labour force data released on

MBA is Calling for a 6 Month Extension to Silica Training Deadline


…has only added confusion and uncertainty to the industry, placed stress on employers and PCBUs by changing regulation with almost no time for companies to adjust to new rules, and implemented a mandatory silica awareness training program that didn’t recognise…

Media Release – Hollow Promises Disappoint Construction Industry


…about major projects, in every example the project’s commencement is delayed. The Canberra hospital and CIT Woden won’t start until 2022 and Light Rail stage 2A contracts have been pushed back until after the election,” he said.

Mr Hopkins…

ACT Workplace COVID-19 Exposure Assessment Tool Updated


The ACT Workplace COVID-19 Exposure Assessment Tool has been designed to assist employers to conduct a workplace risk assessment following an exposure and to guide further action.

While the Workplace COVID-19 Assessment Tool is designed to be used

Termination of Employees and Redundancy Pay


…are operating under an EBA, check the redundancy clause in the EBA.

There are some exceptions that may apply. For further information about notice periods and redundancy pay, contact our Workplace Relations and Legal Team on (02) 6175 5900.

Employee Disobedience no Defence Against WHS Breach


…if you don’t. It is important to remember that your health and safety policies and procedures should not be something you set and forget allowing for compliancy to set in. Procedures and risk management processes should be reviewed and updated…