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2019 Master Builders and Asset Construction Hire Excellence Award Winners Civil


  • Huon Contractors

Cotter Road Stage 2 Duplication and Shared Path

Huon Contractors worked along the Cotter Road to duplicate more than 1.7 kilometres of roadway. A few of the key elements of the project included the installation of an asphalt reinforced geogrid, the construction of a 30m bridge, the demolition and hydro blasting of an existing bridge and the construction of a 3m tall stone-clad noise wall which was 652m in length. The Cotter Road connects the Molonglo Valley with the Parliamentary Triangle and is used by over 25,000 vehicles a day. Huon Contractors implemented temporary traffic management plans to facilitate the continued use of the road, operating in off-peak hours only. Although the project was technically complex, meticulous planning allowed Huon Contractors to overcome any challenges that arose during construction.


  • Huon Contractors

Design and Construction of the Ginninderry Sewer Vortex Structure

Part of Ginninderry’s Stage One Development required the intricate planning, design and construction of a sewer vortex to provide a sewer management solution for the first stages of the project. This involved Huon Contractors, Calibre Group and Riverview Projects working collaboratively to retrofit an existing sewer shaft with a vertical vortex structure. Working within strict time constraints, the task involved connecting the influent sewer pipe from the Ginninderry system, with the existing Ginninderra sewer tunnel,which was approximately 50m below ground level. The work was successfully completed in volatile environmental conditions alongside the live sewer tunnel.


  • Cord Civil

Gungahlin Town Centre Infrastructure

Cord Civil commenced work on the Gungahlin Town Centre to expand and improve the infrastructure within the area. The project incorporated three design packages by Indesco, Aecom and Cardno. The works were completed in five stages which involved temporary traffic management, major sewer works as well as erosion and sediment controls. A key element of the project was environmental protection, this involved protecting heritage listed trees in the Mulangarri Grasslands Reserve. Challenges arose during the coordination of the three designs.This required extensive management when addressing the design interfaces.Cord Civil achieved this by developing a construction program that maintained continuity and minimised disruption to the public. While the technical complexities on the project were extensive, they were all overcome.


  • Guideline ACT & Transport Canberra and City Services

Isabella Weir Upgrade

Guideline ACT was engaged by Transport Canberra and City Services to widen the existing concrete labyrinth weir and construct two new wetlands at Isabella pond. The aim of the project was to increase the spillway capacity of the weir to accommodate a one in 10,000 year flood event. Guideline ACT were able to utilise materials from the construction of the Weir to build the wetlands. The Isabella Weir now has double the overflow capacity following the extension of the existing reinforced concrete labyrinth wall. The project, in total, involved 660 tonnes of reinforcement and 2300 cubic metres of concrete. Upon successful completion of the project, the Weir now provides safety to the Wetlands further downstream in turn, maintaining a natural filtration system for cleaner waterways.