Please be advised that we are currently transitioning to a new system and there may be a delay in processing online enrolments during this time.
If you are experiencing any issues with the online enrolment process, we encourage you to complete a PDF enrolment form and email directly through to
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition.
Queanbeyan Roos Club, 33 Stuart Street, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
12 hours or 1.5 days
*Please note the Traffic Controller course is NOT run over consecutive days. The first day is Traffic Control theory. The next day is a separate course – the Implement Traffic Control Guidance Plans (this course is not part of Traffic Controller so if you are not enrolled into this course it will be a day off from training) and the final day is a half day live practical assessment.
The Implement Traffic Control Guidance Plans is not part of Traffic Controller. To enrol please click here.
$235 (after rebate)
$560 (without rebate)
$355 (after rebate)
$680 (without rebate)
If you have not received a confirmation email for your training, please contact MBA before attending. You may be turned away on the day of training if you have not been enrolled prior to attending.
Training will be rescheduled if minimum numbers are not reached.
For membership enquiries for MBA ACT please contact reception on 02 6175 5900
Further Enquiries
Ph: (02) 6175 5900
Training provided by Admire Workplace Safety – RTO No. 91330
This course provides training for staff who are required to control traffic with stop-slow bat. This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to obtain Traffic Controller Card.
This program is delivered and assessed by Admire Workplace Safety RTO 91330
Up to 70% of the course cost may be refundable to eligible applicants through the ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund. MBA Group Training will apply for this refund on your behalf on successful completion of the course.
Training dates: See training dates below
Duration: 12 hours or 1.5 days
Delivery: Face-to-face
Location: Queanbeyan Roos Club, 33 Stuart Street, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
$235 (after rebate)
$560 (without rebate)
$355 (after rebate)
$680 (without rebate)
For membership enquiries for MBA ACT please contact reception on 02 6175 5900
Participants must provide 100 points of identification and must be a minimum of 18 years of age
Safety boots, long sleeve high-visibility appropriate clothing for conditions (e.g wet weather gear/sunscreen/hat)
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment to be completed prior to confirmation of your enrolment
Current Drivers Licence (minimum Green P or Equivalent)
Your Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you do not have one you will need to have either one of the following – Medicare card, birth certificate, driver licence, Australian passport, citizenship document, certificate of registration by descent, ImmiCard or Australian entry visa during this online process.
A Visa or Mastercard.
Please be advised that we are currently transitioning to a new system and there may be a delay in processing online enrolments during this time.
If you are experiencing any issues with the online enrolment process, we encourage you to complete a PDF enrolment form and email directly through to
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition.