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FWPCOT3348 – Fell trees manually (advanced)

The objective of this course is to build on existing methods and techniques and includes all trees including those that are hazardous, but not dangerous. Existing falling techniques are further progressed and adapted to fall trees of any species, size and condition including hollow butts, multi-leggers, heavy leaners, double or multiple leaders, stags/culls and very large trees. NOTE that participants should already be competent and experienced tree fallers at the intermediate level.


This program is delivered and assessed by Southern Training Organisation RTO 91378.



Participants must wear steel capped footwear and bring their own PPE. STO can provide hi visibility clothing and hard hats if required. For any specific PPE requirements please contact STO

English language skills need to be sufficient to understand and comprehend written and verbal instructions

Numeracy skills are needed to interpret calculations and formulas



  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Personal equipment and chainsaw kit
  • Chainsaw safety features
  • The cutting attachment
  • Sharpening, tensioning and depth gauge setting
  • Environmental care procedures
  • Crosscutting
  • Safe techniques for cuts and using wedges
  • Advance falling techniques for problem trees
  • An escape route
  • Cutting the scarf


For training enquires