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FWPCOT3347 – Fell trees manually (intermediate)

Persons found to be competent in this unit should be able to effectively fell most trees except for the very large and those that have significant defects and/or characteristics causing excessive complexity. It provides detailed instruction on how to fall trees (up to 80 cm in diameter and 40 metres in height on a maximum ground slope of 15°) and deal with typical hazards encountered in a forest or bushland setting. The course also covers basic chainsaw maintenance and sharpening. The second and third days of training is carried out in the forest, where participants are given extensive practical experience in cutting and boring techniques, scarf cutting, back cuts and the use of wedges.

This program is delivered and assessed by Southern Training Organisation RTO 91378.


Participants must wear steel capped footwear and bring their own PPE. STO can provide hi visibility clothing and hard hats if required. For any specific PPE requirements please contact STO.

English language skills need to be sufficient to understand and comprehend written and verbal instructions.

Numeracy skills are needed to interpret calculations and formulas.


  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Personal equipment and chainsaw kit
  • Chainsaw safety features
  • The cutting attachment
  • Sharpening, tensioning and depth gauge setting
  • Environmental care procedures
  • Crosscutting
  • Safe techniques for cuts and using wedges
  • Assessing a tree, planning the falling procedure and preparing an escape route
  • Cutting the scarf


There are currently no scheduled dates – this course is run on demand, please contact Southern Training Organisation at


For training enquires