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CPCCLRG3001 – Licence to perform rigging basic level

This 5 day training program covers the outcomes required to perform basic rigging work associated with the movement of plant and equipment.

* Cost does not cover the application fee for a High Risk Work Licence.


This program is delivered and assess by Southern Training Organisation RTO91378.

This training program covers the outcomes required to perform basic rigging work associated with the movement of plant and equipment, steel erections, hoists (including mast climbing hoists), placement of pre-cast concrete, safety nets and static lines, perimeter safety screens and shutters; and cantilever crane loading platforms for licensing purposes. This course has been designed for individuals who currently work or intend to work as a rigger. This course is for students who reside in the ACT or can satisfy the ACT regulator that circumstances exist that justify a residential waiver for issuing a HRWL



Dates: See training dates below
Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm (5 days)
Venue: ACT training will be facilitated at 1 Iron Knob St Fyshwick ACT 2609, South Coast training will be facilitated at Unit 15 – 16 38 Hopkins Street Eden NSW 2551
Duration: 40 Hours


$860* (after rebate)
$1950* (without rebate

$910* (after rebate)
$2000* (without rebate)


*Cost does not cover the application fee for a High Risk Licence

For membership enquiries for MBA ACT please contact reception on 02 6175 5900


Participants must provide 100 points of identification and be 18 years of age or over
Participants must wear steel capped, safety footwear during training and assessment
English language skills sufficient to understand both written and verbal instruction
Basic maths skills to calculate volume and apply simple sling formulae
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment (attached) to be completed prior to confirmation of your enrolment


  • CPCCLDG3001A Licence to perform Dogging


  • Plan job
  • Select and inspect equipment
  • Set up tasks
  • Erect structures and plant
  • Dismantle structures and plant


Successful participants are required to lodge an application for a High Risk Work Licence with the regulatory body in the State/Territory they complete training in within 60 days from the issue date of the Statement of Attainment.

Before you register online you will need to have:

Your Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you do not have one you will need to have either one of the following – Medicare card, birth certificate, driver licence, Australian passport, citizenship document, certificate of registration by descent, ImmiCard or Australian entry visa during this online process.
A Visa or Mastercard.

For training enquires