The ACT Government has developed and approved the ACT Managing the Risk of Airborne Crystalline Silica in the Workplace Code of Practice (the Code) under section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (ACT) (WHS Act). The Code commences on 15 November 2023.
The Code provides practical guidance on the following:
Members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Code and ensure that they remain compliant with their WHS duties. The PCBU is required to ensure the safety of their workers and comply with the provisions of the WHS Act, any conduct that is found to be non-compliant will be subject to fines and potential prosecution.
Members are further reminded that the deadline for workers to complete training of the 10830NAT course in crystalline silica exposure prevention was 1 October 2023, all relevant workers must have had the required training before being allowed on site.
If you have any questions in relation to Silica, please contact our Workplace Relations and Legal Team on 02 6175 5900.