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Meet the Team: Laura McGee


Laura is the Senior Workplace Relations and Legal Adviser with MBA Legal.

1. What work did you do before here?

I was an Associate at BAL Lawyers working in their litigation team.

2. What topics can you assist members with?

All topics in the realm of ‘legal’. Contract queries, consumer law, contract drafting and interpretation, dispute resolution, negotiations, employment law including attending conciliations on your behalf and industrial relations.

3. What assistance can you offer under the MBA Legal banner?

We can provide specific legal advice and representation. This includes drafting letters under the MBA Legal letterhead, preparing deeds of agreement, instituting or responding to court proceedings and undertaking workplace investigations.

4. What made you want to work for Master Builders ACT?

I was interested in the multi-disciplinary opportunities that working for a construction peak body offered – legal services, policy, WHS and industrial relations.

5. Do you speak any other languages, if so what are they?

I speak French fluently and am learning Spanish.

6. What are your hobbies?

I enjoy yoga, camping, hiking and spending time with my dog, Fig.

7. What sports teams do you support?

Blue Jays – I am Canadian after all!