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Media Release

Media Release – Master Builders ACT Welcomes ACT Election Result


Master Builders ACT has welcomed the announcement that ACT Labor will return to Government following Saturday’s election.

Master Builders ACT CEO Michael Hopkins said, ‘Master Builders ACT welcomes the 2020 election result and congratulates Labor Leader Andrew Barr on Labor’s successful campaign.’

‘The MBA also congratulates Shane Rattenbury and the ACT Greens for their improved result in the 2020 election,’ he said.

Mr Hopkins said, ‘The MBA looks forward to working with the next Government on the economic and job creation priorities Labor set out during the campaign.’

‘Of particular significance is the rapid delivery of the $4 Billion infrastructure plan which will sustain the jobs of many thousands of local construction workers,’ he said.

Authorised by Michael Hopkins on behalf of Master Builders Association of the ACT.