Master Builders Member Workshops are information sessions on topics that are important to our industry. These workshops are free of charge and included as part of your MBA ACT membership.
This workshop examines the rapidly evolving regulations around condensation management and the National Construction Code (NCC). With changes introduced in NCC 2019, updated in NCC 2022, and further amendments proposed for NCC 2025, staying informed is critical for industry professionals.
Key topics include: understanding the five main factors contributing to condensation and mould (airtightness, vapour load, vapour permeability, thermal bridging, dew point shift), practical strategies to minimise condensation and mould risk in modern buildings, the impact of increasing energy efficiency on condensation issues and real-world case studies demonstrating best practices in building design
Clarence Macalister
Clarence Macalister is a scientist, carpenter and accredited builder. With over 20+ years in the building industry, he has worked on a wide range of building defects and rectification. The majority of his time spent “on the tools” tackling projects from the normal to very unusual. Since 2019, Clarence has been the Master Builders Tasmania representative for all matters to do with condensation and mould. This has included developing and delivering training on condensation management with various industry experts. He is on the ABCB Technical Reference Group for Condensation and AIRAH Building Physics Special Technical Group.
Dr Mark Dewsbury
Dr Mark Dewsbury is a world leading expert on condensation. As a member of the NatHERS Technical Advisory Committee and the ABCB’s Condensation technical working group, his research provides input for the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme, CHENATH, the AccuRate building simulation programs and the condensation requirements within the national building regulations. Dr Mark is also passionate about sustainability and has been involved in the sustainable design of commercial and residential buildings in the public and private sectors for more than 30 years. In December 2024, he was made a Fellow of the Architectural Science Association.
The Master Builders Trade Night is your one stop opportunity to network with industry colleagues and connect with local Canberra trade suppliers.
Suppliers include: Solace Creations, Select Custom Joinery, Hazard Co and more!
Food & drinks are included – pop in and out as needed!
Since 2019, the NCC has significantly increased requirements to manage building condensation. This workshop focuses on the real-world implications of these changes for designers, permit authorities, builders, and tradespeople.
Key topics include: understanding NCC Housing Provisions Section 10.8.3: ventilation of bathrooms and wet area, wall construction & roof construction, practical examples and solution for compliance in real-life scenarios including multi-residential bathrooms, parapet walls and box gutters & BAL-rated builds, proprietary products and solutions for condensation control and advanced moisture management for highly energy-efficient homes in cold climates.