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ACT Government Ministerial and Portfolio Changes


The ACT Government has announced changes to key building and construction portfolios which it hopes will strengthen its focus on health, housing, cost of living and infrastructure.

The key changes are:

  • Chris Steel will take on the Planning portfolio aligning with his existing transport responsibilities. In this role, Minister Steel will work with Deputy Chief Minister Berry and the Chief Minister on the delivery of the Government’s comprehensive housing supply plan through the Territory’s new planning system.
  • Tara Cheyne will take on the city services portfolio and will be responsible for the delivery of the Government’s suburban renewal program, delivering better local infrastructure and maintenance across the city. Minister Cheyne will also lead the Government’s night-time economy and creative industry reforms to support further investment and job growth.
  • Mick Gentleman will take on a new crime prevention portfolio to broaden his responsibilities as Police Minister. This will include a focus on recidivism and the implementation of the National Firearms Register in the ACT. Minister Gentleman will also be the new Minister for Business and adds Multicultural Affairs to his portfolio responsibilities.
  • Rachel Stephen-Smith will add Disability to her portfolios, leading the ACT’s engagement with the Australian Government on the joint design of new disability foundational supports and reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
  • Rebecca Vassarotti will add Parks and Land Management to her current environment portfolio responsibilities. In this role, Minister Vassarotti will work closely with Minister Gentleman to reduce bushfire risk in our national parks and nature reserves.
  • Emma Davidson’s current portfolio responsibilities in community services and health will be broadened to include community sector reform and a new portfolio of population health. This new portfolio will focus on improving health outcomes across our community in both physical and mental wellbeing. In addition, Minister Davidson will be the new Minister for Corrections, aligning with her current responsibilities in Justice Health.