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Latest Closing Loopholes Amendments


There have been many changes of late to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) as part of the introduction of ‘Closing Loopholes’ laws which were passed in December 2023. Below is a snapshot of the most recent changes along with links for more information.

Commencing 26 August 2024

  • Right to disconnect (small business changes come in effect August 2025)
  • Independent contractor changes including
    • new definition of employment,
    • unfair contract terms and conditions; and
    • minimum standards for employee like workers
  • Casual employees including
    • definition of a casual employee; and
    • conversion process to permanent employee.

Need more?

For details on how these changes impact you or your obligations, please reach out to the Workplace Relations and Legal Team at 02 6175 5900.