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Members are reminded this Friday is your last chance to complete the WorkSafe ACT Survey! If you work in the ACT, you are invited to complete our WorkSafe ACT Workplace Survey. It’s free and you don’t have to give WorkSafe your details.
Visit WorkSafe ACT Workplace Safety Survey to take part.
The survey runs from Monday 5 February until Friday 1 March 2024 and will take less than 10 minutes to complete.
It is designed to gather information about your understanding of:
Anyone who works in the ACT can complete the survey – this includes whether you are working fulltime, part-time, casual; if you work as a sole trader, contractor, labour hire or volunteer and even for those based in another state who carry out work in the ACT.
Any results published on the survey will be completely de-identified.
WorkSafe ACT will not follow up on any health and safety issues you might identify in your answers. This survey is not an alternative to notifying WorkSafe ACT of a health and safety issue in your workplace. If you have a work health and safety concern, you can contact WorkSafe ACT, Report a Workplace Concern or Issue, or Notify WorkSafe ACT.