Employers are required to keep employee records for all their employees under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). These records are not to be altered, false, or misleading and must also be readily accessible to a Fair Work inspector. Records are to be kept for 7 years. Failure to maintain the required employee records may result in significant penalties being imposed not only on the company but also on individuals who are found to have taken part in the contravention.
The Fair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth) (Regulations), requires an employer to make and keep records of employees’ information including, but not limited to:
An employer must issue a pay slip to each employee within one working day of the day the employee was paid. This can be issues electronically or paper form. A payslip must include:
If you have questions about what your record keeping obligations are under the Fair Work legislation, please each out to the Workplace Relations and Legal Team on 02 6175 5950.