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Consumer Frequently Asked Questions

Building or Renovating? We know that when it comes to building and renovating, it can be difficult to know where to begin in understanding the steps to build or renovate a home.  We have provided the answers to common consumer queries received by the MBA Team below.


  • What is the Master Builders Association of the ACT?

    The Master Builders Association of the ACT (Master Builders ACT) is a membership association and has represented the ACT building and construction industry since 1925. Our members represent the entire supply chain of the industry, including commercial and residential builders, civil contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, property developers and professional consultants that support the building and construction industry.

    Our aim is to help our members operate safe, productive and successful businesses by providing services, support, training, advice and advocating on behalf of the industry.

  • Who is the regulator and what role do they play in regulating the ACT construction industry?

    The Construction Occupations (Licensing) Act 2004, (the ACT) provides that the Construction Occupations Registrar is responsible for preforming the following functions:

    (1)(a) to keep the registers under this Act such as the list of licensed builders;

    (b) to administer operational Acts – such as the Building Act 2004 or the Planning Act 2023;

    (c) to decide applications in relation to licences;

    (d) to maintain the standard of construction occupations by

    (i) acting on complaints made about construction practitioners, including by applying to the ACAT for occupational         discipline if appropriate; and

    (ii) providing construction practitioners with information about developments in the construction industry.

    (2) The registrar has any other function given to the registrar under this Act or another Territory law.

    Contact details for the Construction Occupation Registrar can be found here.

    Master Builders ACT is not the regulator for the ACT construction industry.

  • What should I consider before I build or renovate?

    Here are two resources available that detail what you should consider when building or renovating:

  • How do I pick a builder that is right for me?

    There is no simple answer to this, but it is important when selecting a builder that you do your research.  Some tips to help you decide on if your builder is right for you might include:

    • Asking the builder for portfolios of previous work and/or any references that they might have from previous clients;
    • Review their social media accounts for both examples of previous work but also to see what their clients are saying; and
    • Fit for purpose, ensure that the builder you are considering has the relevant experience for what you are hoping to achieve; and
    • Considering Google reviews.

    It is also important to check that they are:

    *not mandatory requirement but recommended

  • Why should I build with a Master Builder?

    Building with a Master Builder ACT member means peace of mind that your builder is appropriately licensed and has the support of a peak industry association. We provide members with access to training, advice, and up-to-date industry specific information. Master Builders ACT members must also adhere to the Master Builder ACT Code of Conduct.

  • My builder has sent me a draft MBA Contract but I have questions. Who can help?

    It is important before entering into a contract that you seek legal advice. If you do not already have a solicitor, ACT Law Society has a Find a Lawyer website.

    Whilst we do sell template contracts, as a membership association, we are unable to provide consumers with advice relating to your contract.

  • I’ve signed an MBA template contract, does that mean my builder is a member?

    No, Master Builders ACT sells contracts to anyone and they are not exclusive to members.

  • I am having issues with my builder, what should I do?

    The majority of disputes are minor in nature and often due to a lack of understanding of the building process or miscommunication between the parties. It is important when you are experiencing an issue to ensure you communicate openly with your builder about your concerns as soon as they arise. Open communication is important throughout the entire building process and issues are more likely to be resolved if both parties are expressing their concerns honestly.

    If, however, communication has broken down or you feel that the issues cannot be resolved, you have a few options available to you.

    • Obtain some legal advice
      The number one recommendation is to speak with your solicitor.  A solicitor is best placed to let you know exactly what avenues are available to you both under the contract and the law.  If you do not have a solicitor, you can use the ACT Law Society Find a Lawyer.
      Master Builders ACT does not provide contract advice to consumers.
    • Unsafe/Illegal Building Works
      If you feel the building works are unsafe or do not meet the National Construction Code (NCC), you can report them to the Construction Occupations Registrar who is the regulator of the ACT construction industry. Access Canberra have a Disputes and complaints webpage which contains further information of services available to you, Please note Master Builders ACT does not investigate or comment on the quality of building works.
    • Master Builders ACT Member Conduct Breach
      As a membership association, Master Builders ACT expects all our members to abide by the Code of Conduct as a condition of their membership.If you believe the behaviour of your builder has contravened the Master Builders ACT Code of Conduct, you can lodge a Code of Conduct complaint. Master Builders ACT does not investigate and/or determine contractual disputes or technical issues.Before lodging a complaint, you can contact Master Builders ACT on (02) 6175 5900 or by email ( to confirm that the builder is a member.

      How does Master Builders ACT process a Code of Conduct complaint?
      If a Code of Conduct Complaint is received, it will be provided to the member for their response.  Once we have received the member’s response, a Master Builders ACT team member will determine whether there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct.  Where necessary, the matter can be escalated to the Master Builders ACT Executive Committee where the complaint and necessary action (such as suspension or termination of membership) will be considered.

      If you have initiated other proceedings, such as a complaint through Access Canberra or where your solicitor is undertaking other action relating to the facts of the complaint, Master Builders ACT will not investigate the Code of Conduct complaint until those processes have been completed.

  • How can I check if my builder is a Master Builder?

    Check out the Find a Member page on the Master Builders ACT website.  Please note that all members are not listed on this page (this is an optional service for members).  Alternatively, you can make enquiries to the Master Builders ACT on (02) 6175 5900 or by email*.
    (*Monday to Friday only).

  • Someone is advertising they are a Master Builder’s Member, but I know they aren’t!

    If you believe that a person or a business is not a Master Builders ACT Member but is advertising as one, (e.g. they use the logo on their advertising) please let the Master Builders ACT team know. Please send an email, with any relevant evidence to

    Please note: MBA operates in all states but are all independent.  That means that a person may be a member of Master Builders ACT or MBA NSW or both!

  • I still have questions!

    Send through your questions to and the Master Builders ACT team will do their best to assist.