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Do you carry out work in accordance with your SWMS?


A PCBU must ensure a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) must be prepared before the high risk construction work is carried out. A SWMS is a document that identifies the hazards and risks associated with the high risk work and specifies the control measures that must be implemented to eliminate/minimise those risks. PCBUs must ensure that where a SWMS is required, it is prepared in consultation with the workers who will be carrying out the high risk work. Members are reminded that each site would have its own high risk construction work and associated hazards, this means that a PCBU must complete a SWMS for each new site and ensure that their workers are familiar with the content and control measures identified in the SWMS.

Review and repeat

It is important to review your SWMS at regular intervals or when there is a change to the work and the control measures. You must have regard to the control measures that are reasonably practicable and ensure that the conduct of your workers is in accordance with what is set out in your SWMS.

Members are reminded that a failure to follow your SWMS is a breach of the Work Health and Safety Act (2011) and may result in prosecution or fines issued against the company and the individual.

If you have any questions relating to your work health and safety responsibilities as PCBU, please contact our Workplace Relations and Legal Team on (02) 6175 5900.